Show program & bar menu

"When Foster is on form, as he is here, there's not much better theatre around."
— Hamilton Spectator
It’s the day after the funeral of a friend, and three women gather for a round of golf in honour of their recently deceased playing partner. They are joined by a fourth woman, another old friend of the deceased that the other three didn’t know about. During the round the women discuss life, love, men, sex, children, careers …everything but golf! Many surprises, secrets, and confessions come to the surface during this hilarious and heart-warming round of golf.
The Ladies Foursome is a female version of The Foursome, but with a completely different story.
Staged by arrangement with Pam Winter, GGA
"When Foster is on form, as he is here, there's not much better theatre around."
— Hamilton Spectator
It’s the day after the funeral of a friend, and three women gather for a round of golf in honour of their recently deceased playing partner. They are joined by a fourth woman, another old friend of the deceased that the other three didn’t know about. During the round the women discuss life, love, men, sex, children, careers …everything but golf! Many surprises, secrets, and confessions come to the surface during this hilarious and heart-warming round of golf.
The Ladies Foursome is a female version of The Foursome, but with a completely different story.
Staged by arrangement with Pam Winter, GGA
Christine Unger
Rachelle Kosokowsky
Stef Putnam
Becky Hendrickson
A golf course.
The tenth tee.
Special thanks
Special thanks to Bill Unger for his assistance with golf coaching and to Abe Buckle from Wildwood Golf Course for use of the golf ball washer.
Meet the cast & crew

Christine Unger
Christine has recently retired after a gruelling (just joking!) 25 years in the airline industry. She is anything but bored though. Mini Fridge Theatre Company has kept her busy working backstage on the last production and onstage in this production. The rest of her spare time is spent volunteering with Prairie Hospice Society and travelling.
She hopes you enjoy the show and always remember that “time is just a way of letting us know what time it is.”

Rachelle Kosokowsky
About Tate (the character):
Family: Loving husband Bobby and two — I MEAN three! — adorable children
Profession: "I'm rich, yay!"
Activity of choice: Long walks on the beach and golf with friends
Talent: Baking delicious desserts
Drink of choice: A Tequila Sunrise, White Russian, or any other cocktail
About Rachelle (the actor):
Family: Loving husband Chad and super adorable three-year-old, Emmitt
Profession: Clinical oncology social worker
Activity of choice: Community theatre with friends
Talent: Hopefully acting
Drink of choice: Coffee. Lots and lots of coffee.

Stef Putnam
Stef Putnam is a versatile actor and producer with over 30 years of experience in stage, film, sound and photography. Originally from Saskatoon, Stef started her career in the arts as a rock in William Gibson's The Butterfingers Angel.
After completing her studies at Vancouver Film School, Stef moved to Chicago to study improv at the legendary Second City Theatre. The winds of change blew and Stef found herself in Seoul where she served as the managing director of a modelling agency. She later moved to Bangkok where she co-ran a production company predominantly making music videos for MTV Asia. She also continued working as an acting coach and actor on stage, in film and as a voiceover artist.
Stef has played Nicholas Cage’s mom in the action-thriller Bangkok Dangerous; a nurse to the lovely Christian Bale in the critically acclaimed film Rescue Dawn; a drug smuggling inmate in the French film Ma Fille est Innocente; a no good rotten potate in Yami no Kodomo-tachi; as well as a slew of other ridiculous, loveable, laughable and always memorable characters.
Stef is thrilled to be back home and back on stage with old friends and new at Mini Fridge Theatre Company.

Becky Hendrickson
After a long pause to have babies, take over managing a small local theatre, and trying to keep the laughs going through a rocky world, Becky is pleased to bring you all a show she has looked forward to since 2019!
Previous MFT plays Becky has been involved with include Suitehearts by Willian Van Zandt & Jane Milmore, Neil Simon's Last of the Red Hot Lovers, and The Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen's Guild Dramatic Society's A Christmas Carol by David McGillivray & Walter Zerlin Jr.
Becky hopes you love this show and all the players in it as much as she has.

Jason Weckert
This is Jason's third attempt at directing at Mini Fridge Theatre Company. The Ladies Foursome has been the most challenging show for a few reasons. Beyond having to cancel and shelf this show multiple times thanks to COVID and having to direct his wife Becky, The Ladies Foursome has presented unique challenges.
He hopes you enjoy the show and have as much fun watching it as everyone did rehearsing it.

Krystina Koc
Stage Manager
Theatre is a magical place. It lets you step away from reality — either for a moment if you are watching and enjoying a show, or for a longer duration when you get to partake in the wonder on stage.
Krystina joined Mini Fridge Theatre Company for at the start of this season. The wonders of theatre were too much of an enchantment because here she is for MFT's final show and her third show this season.
Krystina hopes you enjoy the show that this crew has worked very hard to put on and hopes that you continue to support Mini Fridge by coming for a short step away from reality for a night or by looking into joining the wonder on stage.
Bar menu
NOTE: Prices do not include applicable taxes
Great Western Original 16
GW Light
Frontera Cabernet Sauvignon
Frontera Sauvignon Blanc
6 oz glass: $7 / 9 oz glass: $10 / Half litre (~17 oz): $19
$7 single / $11 double
Lucky Bastard Vodka
Lucky Bastard Gambit Gin
Bacardi Amber Rum
Bacardi Dark Rum
Lamb's Classic White Rum
Wiser's Rye
All highballs are served with a choice of soft drink.
Soft drink options: Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, Tonic, and Ginger Ale.
DRINK SPECIAL: The "Hard Arnie" (a tribute to Arnold Palmer)
$7 single / $11 double
An ounce of Lucky Bastard vodka with equal parts lemonade and iced tea
$7 single / $11 double
Irish cream liqueur served with whipped cream and a biscuit
Soft Drinks — $2.50
Coffee & Tea — Complimentary/Free
Tea options: Orange Pekoe, Peppermint, Green Tea, Chamomile (decaf), and Apple Cinnamon (decaf).
Soft drink options: Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, and Ginger Ale.
We're busy planning our eighth season and will make announcements on our upcoming MFT Season Pass sale, season opening dates, and more in the weeks ahead.
To stay in the loop, join our quite non-spammy email list and be sure to follow us on Instagram & Facebook.
Thank you for supporting local theatre!