
Ratatouille A hearty and comforting vegetarian option! Made with seasonal vegetables in a bright and fragrant tomato sauce. Served with locally-made fresh pasta, tossed salad with a side of poppyseed vinaigrette, and a fresh roll with butter.

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Beef Bourguignon

Beef Bourguignon A French classic, made with savoury beef and aromatic vegetables slow-roasted in a dark and silky red wine sauce. Served with locally-made fresh pasta, freshly-tossed Caesar salad and fresh roll with butter.

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Quarter Roasted Chicken

Quarter Roasted Chicken Herb and garlic roasted chicken served with Parmentier potatoes, steamed buttered carrots, Caesar salad, and a fresh roll with butter. NOTE: This dish is gluten-free. Please indicate if you have any allergies and will need the roll and salad croutons removed.

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